Jun 7Liked by Julia Motyka

Really beautiful, Julia. I'm so happy to be aboard. <3

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Honored to have you here, friend 💜

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Right now sitting at all county chorus waiting for my daughter to sing, and I thought “let me read this new blog” because we are sitting and I wanted to give it my full attention. Then Uhoh! the tug of that loose thread on the shirt, the one where you think you will rip it quick and move on. Except….I start reading and the thread of my heart starts unraveling and spills out my WHOLE soul right there in front of the world. It’s in the written details and the beauty of the imperfection. Truly appreciate and respect this.

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Feb 24Liked by Julia Motyka

Grief does often feel as you describe it, when the rest of the world carries on. I loved reading your essay. The empty space never goes away. I wrote an essay about grief/exhuming my husband's bones. sending it here to you in case you want to read it in NY Times Modern Love: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/23/style/modern-love-greece-loss-last-shopping-list.html?unlocked_article_code=1.V00.FB52.udc3kEnxY4Lv&smid=url-share

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Amalia- I read your piece when it came out (just weeks after my dad passed) and felt such a deep connection to your words (and to you). So honored to have you here.

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Lovely writing!

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Thank you!!

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Feb 21Liked by Julia Motyka

I love the way u write

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So honored to have you here, David!

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Feb 20Liked by Julia Motyka

So much of this pulls at my heart and feels to the the truest thing I have read in so long. I can’t wait to hear and read more. ❤️

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Feb 19Liked by Julia Motyka

I'm so glad to be here and can't wait to read more.

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